The Manifestation of the Idea

I had been wanting to do a photography book for a long time. I just had no idea what to theme it around, or how to even create a book. I started doing a ton of homework and research on creating a photography book, which is surprisingly hard to do without spending a ton of money on books themselves. Photography books are like pebbles in a river bed, there are tons of them, and each one is a little bit different from the other. That's what made deciding how I did my book so difficult. I finally decided because I was knew to the game, keep it simple, and focus on the photos, and not dive into an essay explaining my philosophy or my style, because understandably, most people don't read photography books.

The Concept of the Book

It took a while for me to figure out how I wanted to showcase my photography. Because of my range of photographs, I needed a consistent thematic system to keep the books tied together, while showcasing completely different genres. The first two of my books will focus on my travels over the last 15 years. The theme derives from a song I heard as a kid. Sesame Street had a song talking about meeting the people in your neighborhood, which inspired me for my book titles. The title for the first two, as well as future travel photo books will be under the title "The Places That You Go."

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