After slogging through my other projects, I can finally announce my latest self-published books are available for purchase. My first book, The Places That You Go was an experiment to develop my style, and after some tweaks and adjustments to my design, I can now release my books showcasing my portrait photographs. I am incredibly proud of these books, and I am super excited to share these with you.
The Goal
I have been working on trying to grow my photography business into something sustainable, not necessarily make this my full time job, I have one already. The hope would be to monetize this business enough that it can sustain and grow itself, so when I retire from my full-time job, I can do my photography after. In the meantime, I have been trying to find ways to diversify and monetize my photography in multiple avenues, with books being one of them. I'll admit, it's been tougher than I thought, but I will keep at it, and continue to build my portfolio, and market myself so when I finally get a steady stream of orders, I'll be prepared.